2019 Events
#antarkankebaikan by PAXEL
Paxel visited the ISCO center in South Cipinang to give donations from their customers. They bring books and stationery for children and give them motivation to achieve their dreams.
Softskill with Dale Carnegie
After a series of giving back events by Dale Carnegie at the ISCO center, this time ISCO children came to the Dale Carnegie training center in Sunter. And children learn about the value of life and motivation to achieve their dreams.
Painting Class with Mareda – Kampung Mangga
ISCO also provides children's activities in addition to school lessons. Ms. Naomi from Mareda taught ISCO children at Kampung Mangga center to paint and the children were very happy with their new activities.
Painting Class with Mareda - Semper
ISCO also provides children's activities in addition to school lessons. Ms. Naomi from Mareda taught ISCO children at Semper center to paint and the children were very happy with their new activities.
Inspiration class by PVHCares
ISCO and PVHCares held an inspiration class with Bpk. Philip Triatna as a motivator. ISCO children learn about life values through a very interesting board game.
Futsal activity at Semper area
As our volunteer project, Sarah & Angus from Australia, futsal activities in the Semper area have finally begun. They started futsal on November 16, 2019 and the activity will take place every Saturday.
ISCO Annual Gathering 2019 – Medan, North Sumatera
With the theme “Kami Generasi Milenial Berani Berbeda & Berkarya” ISCO Foundation held the annual gathering along with the celebration of National Children’s Day at Medan. This event was attended by more than 300 children from 4 centers in Medan.
Dale Carnegie – Give Back (Part 2)
In addition to providing training to ISCO staff, Dale Carnegie also provides training to ISCO children. They learn and practice to solve problems, share dreams and have confidence.
Dale Carnegie – Give Back (Part 1)
On their birthday, Dale Carnegie held a give-back event by giving training to ISCO tutors, project officers, and office staff. We learn and practice how to have effective communication, especially in our field of work.
Yuk Ke Museum
Starbucks Indonesia in collaboration with the ISCO Foundation commemorates National Museum Day by inviting ISCO Children to visit the Museum with the theme "Yuk Ke Museum". We hope that all children will know about Indonesia's history by visiting the museum.
ISCO Annual Gathering 2019 – Surabaya, East Java
With the theme “Kami Generasi Milenial Berani Berbeda & Berkarya” ISCO Foundation held the annual gathering along with the celebration of National Children’s Day at Surabaya. This event was attended by more than 540 children from 8 centers in Medan.
Painting Class with Mareda
ISCO also provides children's activities in addition to school lessons. Ms. Naomi from Mareda taught ISCO children to paint and the children were very happy with their new activities.
Donation from Tokopedia
ISCO Foundation receives donations from Tokopedia in the form of Curcuma plus, Gummy Fitkom vitamins, Nescafe Green Coffee and Fastbite snacks for all ISCO children.
ISCO Edutrip with PVHCares
ISCO and PVHCares held EDUTRIP at TMII PP IPTEK (Science & Technology Development) along with volunteers from Busana Apparel Group. The demonstration of PP IPTEK was very fun and entertaining. We continued our activities by visiting Indonesian traditional houses.
Graduation Day
Congratulations to "Siti Ayu Marsinah" who just completed her studies at Jakarta state university majoring in business education. Ayu is an ISCO child who has been supported by ISCO since kindergarten in 2003.
ISCO female soccer player
“Sri Suci Ramadhani” one of ISCO supported children succeeded became a member of the U-17 soccer team in the province of North Sumatra. Become a great female soccer player! We are proud of you.
Donation from Tokopedia
ISCO Foundation received donations from Tokopedia in the form of laptops for ISCO children. Students in the last grade of senior high school need a laptop for their school activities and this contribution helps them a lot.
“Kelas Bahagia” or Happy Class by Sejiwa
Volunteers from Sejiwa hold happy classes for ISCO children at the Manggarai center, from August to December 2019 every Saturday. This class helps children to make peace with their past and life. So that they can live their lives with a full heart.
Volunteers From AIESEC and Prasetiya Mulya University
There were seven volunteers who came all the way from China (3), Japan (3) and Germany (1) they taught ISCO children in 7 different centers along with volunteers from Prasetiya Mulya University as translators.
#antarkankebaikan by PAXEL (Deliver the Kindness)
ISCO children get a parcel of fruit from Paxel. ISCO always teaches children the importance of eating fruits for their health. Thank you Paxel for always delivering kindness.
Fundraising from Austria Embassy
Ambassador of The Republic Of Austria for Indonesia, Helene Steinhausl handed over the fundraising, that raised during WIC. Thank you for always support us!
Thank you Frisch G’strichn!
The children enjoyed music performances from an international band who came all the way from Tyrol with their unusual instruments in Indonesia, such as the violin, accordion / ziacha, harp, and basson.
ISCO Annual Gathering 2019 – Jakarta
With the theme “Kami Generasi Milenial Berani Berbeda & Berkarya” ISCO Foundation held the annual gathering along with the celebration of National Children’s Day and the 20th years of ISCO journey. This event was attended by more than 800 children from 17 centers in Jakarta.
Frisch G’strichn
Frisch G’strichn went to the ISCO center in East Pademangan, played music and sang a song together with ISCO children.
National Children’s Day 2019
Let's support Indonesian children to get their rights. The future of this nation is in their hands.
A volunteer from Austria, Andreas F Stoeckl spend his time to share with ISCO children at Gege center and Pesing center.
Art day with Kidzart PIK
ISCO children learn about the basics of painting and how to paint. The mentor not only the teacher but the kidzart students also shared their knowledge of painting to ISCO children. And ISCO children have a chance to try to paint a tumbler.
Factory visit to PT Citra Abadi Sejati
ISCO also organizes children's activities in addition to school lessons. ISCO children visit PT Citra Abadi Sejati to see work activities firsthand so that ISCO children gain a new understanding of the field of work.
“Melukis Cinta” with Tokopedia
Tokopedia held an event with ISCO Foundation and their staffs called Nakama. At that event, Nakama introduces ISCO children about professions that they never know before, such as photographer, dentist, news anchor, dubber, etc.
Break fasting event with Tauzia Hotel Management
Tauzia hotel management invited ISCO children to break fasting at the Tauzia hotel. ISCO supported children felt very happy by the invitation for break fasting and also the togetherness with the Tauzia team.
Dream on & dare to reach!
An event held by Tauzia hotel management attended by ISCO children in 12th grade. The speakers shared their experiences and success tips in the work field & how to keep struggle in reaching their dreams.
Break fasting event with Rumah 123
Rumah 123 invited ISCO children to break fasting together. ISCO supported children were very pleased with the invitation of break fasting and also the togetherness with Rumah 123 volunteers.
Break fasting event with Bina Bangsa School
Bina Bangsa School invited ISCO children from Penjaringan center to break fasting. ISCO supported children were very pleased with the invitation of break fasting and also the togetherness with the teachers and students of Bina Bangsa School.
Futsal Activity
ISCO also provides children's activities in addition to school lessons. ISCO children join futsal activities with Mr. Ardi from the Garuda Baru club. We try to support their hobbies in sports.
ISCO Medan visit PT Pelindo
ISCO children in Medan visit PT Pelindo branch Belawan at Belawan harbor. Children are invited to tour a large ship that has 8 floors. What a new and very interesting experience for ISCO children.
Fundrising by Bundesrealgymnasium students
Hope is given by some students from Austria. Together they collect the donation by selling their handmade things and they also give some of their allowances for their friends in ISCO, Indonesia.
Painting Class with Mareda
ISCO also provides children's activities in addition to school lessons. Ms. Naomi from Mareda taught ISCO children to paint and the children were very happy with their new activities.
Soccer Field for Slum community
Sarah & Angus decided to get a haircut to raise funds for the revitalization of a soccer field in Semper area.
Fun Fair 2019 by Binus School Simprug
Binus School Simprug held a fundraising for ISCO Foundation. Your donation will help ISCO to improve the quality of life of our children and give them hope for their future.
Computer Class by PVHCares
ISCO and PVHCares hold computer classes for ISCO children in Pesing, Kosambi and Semanan centers. ISCO seeks to equip these children with computer skills for their future.
Inspirational Class by Rumah 123
Volunteers from Rumah 123 held a social visit to the ISCO center in South Cipinang Besar. They teach children how to have a big vision for the future by building a house with a handicraft.
2018 Events
Soccer Field for Slum community
Sarah Bredebusch from Australia, volunteering at ISCO center and think to provide the soccer field for the slum community. Sarah said “If I can create an opportunity to keep the children off the street, then the school and through the ISCO programs will help the whole community in a positive way. I think this would be amazing”
EduShare from Bina Bangsa School
EduShare from Bina Bangsa School in Pantai Indah Kapuk in collaboration with ISCO Foundation held children's activities such as sports, dancing, lunch, etc. Volunteers spend their time teaching ISCO children and having fun together.
Benefits of Saving
Volunteers from PAXEL held a social visit to the ISCO center in Manggarai. They teach children about the benefits of saving. If we learn to save from childhood, we will get used to saving when we grow up.
ISCO Foundation held an annual gathering in Medan, North Sumatera with the theme "100 Langkah Ciptakan Karya Anak Muda". The event was attended by 260 children supported by ISCO from 4 areas of ISCO center.
“Penanaman Kreativitas Sejak Dini”
Volunteers from Prasetya Mulya University held a social visit to ISCO center at Kali Baru, North Jakarta. With the theme “Penanaman Kreativitas Sejak Dini” or plant the creativity from an early age. Volunteers held competitions that sharpen creativity.
Yuk Ke Museum
Starbucks Indonesia in collaboration with the ISCO Foundation commemorates National Museum Day by inviting ISCO Children to visit the Museum with the theme "Yuk Ke Museum". We hope that all children will know about Indonesia's history by visiting the museum.
ISCO Foundation held an annual gathering in Surabaya, East Java with the theme "100 Langkah Ciptakan Karya Anak Muda". The event was attended by 463 children supported by ISCO from 8 areas of ISCO center.
Starbucks National Children's Day
Starbucks Indonesia in collaboration with the ISCO Foundation commemorates National Children's Day. Volunteers from Starbucks spend their time playing with children and teaching them.
Head, Heart and Hands
Dimension Data Indonesia held a social visit to the ISCO center in Cipinang. With the theme "Head, Heart and Hands", volunteers from DDI shared their time with ISCO supported children and we’re having fun together.
ISCO Foundation held an annual gathering in Jakarta with the theme "100 Langkah Ciptakan Karya Anak Muda". The event was attended by around 500 children supported by ISCO.
PT Volkopi
ISCO Foundation receives donations from PT Volkopi Indonesia in the form of school equipment such as uniforms, bags, stationery, books, etc.
Futsal competition
ISCO Foundation from Pademangan, Kebon Jahe, Gege and Penjaringan centers won the Futsal competition organized by the Indonesia Bisa Foundation.
One Day Workshop with Tauzia Hotel Management
One Day Workshop with Tauzia Hotel Management was held at JW Marriott Hotel. There is an introduction about Emotion Quotient (EQ), discovering children's talents and inspirational sessions from speakers.
LiterARTcy Change The World
This year is the 4th year of ISCO Foundation collaborates with PVH. To introduce the Indonesia's wealth, PVH cooperated with Busana Apparel & PT. Sumber Bintang Rejeki, held an event at Indonesian National Library with theme LiterARTcy Change The World.
Drop Of Hope with Starbucks 2018
This year is the 4th year of Drop Of Hope collaborates with ISCO in realizing the dream of ISCO children in getting school supplies such as bags, shoes, uniforms, books, etc. Nearly 2000 school supplies were donated by Starbucks visitors to ISCO assisted children.
Nutrifood invites kids to live healthy
Nutrifood held a visit to celebrate their 39th birthday. They invite children to live a healthy life starting with breakfast without fried food and non-MSG and also having a healthy exercise.
Learn a healthy lifestyle with Nutrifood
ISCO children learn to be a nutritionist, They sort the foods based on the balanced nutrition that are good and useful for their growth.
2017 Events
The 2017 Annual Meeting
Each year, ISCO Foundation hosts an outdoor event for the children. They can enjoy a day full of activities and fun outside of their dense neighborhoods.
Ramadan fasting is generally a blessed month where many people complete acts of goodness, and Mujigae, a restaurant that serves Korean food, provided a break fasting menu for 1000 children assisted by the ISCO Foundation.
The Jakarta Story Festival is a festival of writing and storytelling for children (6-18 years old) with the aim of increasing public interest in reading, writing, and appreciating literature through workshops (fiction, non-fiction, and handicraft), panel discussions, and information sharing sessions.
November is commemorated as National Dental Health Month, where the government puts together a campaign for the importance of maintaining oral and dental health. Through the invitation of Students of Faculty of Dentistry - Trisakti University Jakarta, the children of ISCO got a chance to check their teeth.
The Campaign established in 2012 has now reached its sixth year of ongoing activities. The program was started to bring hope to the children to reach a brighter future. Starbucks Indonesia, Flink Magazine and Square Team invited all coffee lovers in Starbucks outlets to participate in the Drop of Hope embodiment.
That day, the children from the activity center in Mangga Dua, were taught how to grow corn, play with rabbits, feed goats, recognize ducks, geese, and reptiles more closely, see bees in their direct habitat, and make craft-based soil clay.