"ISCO Foundation was born of an idea, and a need, to do something to help children find a way to break out of a cycle of poverty which, through no fault of their own, limits their ability to achieve their full potential. Fortunately, after the financial crisis in 1999, we were in a position to take the first, concrete steps to do something useful; something which, after fifteen years of activity, has certainly worked, especially thanks to our partnership with local government and the Ministry of Education. As an organization with no religious affiliation, for us, what is important is giving these children the chance and opportunity to become who they dream of being. We do this in partnership not only with government agencies, but also with other community programs and initiatives, which can be faith-based. We are happy to partner with any organization that is focused on helping the children of Indonesia, especially those of the shanty-towns. Our motivation comes from what we see every day - bright, happy, vivacious children who have the talent and the potential to do anything and everything.
Thank you for helping them."
Isti Saptiono, Board of ISCO Foundation
2019 Partners
This sponsorship is fully dedicated to ISCO sponsored children to cover the direct cost for school fees, uniforms and textbooks, operational costs of the children activity centres, health and nutrition program, as well as monitoring and evaluation.
The first MOU was signed in June 2013 for a period of 4 years (2013 - 2017), assisting 54 children from Surabaya (Genteng & Pabean) and Jakarta area (Lio & Pademangan). The sponsorship is fully dedicated to ISCO sponsored children to cover the direct costs for school fees, uniforms and textbooks, operational costs of the children activity centres, health and nutrition program, as well as monitoring and evaluation. The second MoU was signed in September 2017 for the next 4 years (2017- 2021), helping 200 children from the Surabaya (Genteng & Pabean) and Jakarta area (Pademangan & Manggarai). The same sponsorship package as for the first MoU was signed.
Alpenstammtish International is a weekly gathering held by Mr. Josef Fuchs (Founder ISCO), every Wednesday at J.W Marriot hotel. All the people who come to the event, give their donation for ISCO. This event is not only for gathering but also for charity.
Since 2015, PVH Far East Limited began supporting ISCO children. In 2018-2019 PVH has supported 159 children for their school fees, daily nutritional supplements, learning workshops and an academic tutor for the children.
"Drop of Hope" program was initiated by Starbucks to encourage its customers to donate school uniforms and educational equipment to ISCO supported children. This program ran for 2 months, from December 2019 to January 2020. Donated goods will be distributed to ISCO's children.
2019 is the first year of Tokopedia as an ISCO donor. Tokopedia provides donations in the form of laptops, workshops for professional introduction and goods such as snacks and vitamins.
Walalangi & Partners supports one of the ISCO programs, Children Educational Support. W&P started to support 50 children of ISCO at the end of 2019. All assistance is allocated to the educational costs of ISCO children.
J.W. Marriott Hotel Jakarta provides assistance for ISCO children, sponsoring their school fees, daily nutritional supplements, learning workshops and academic tutors. J.W. Marriott Hotel Jakarta also provides internships for vocational school children in their field of expertise.
Binus School Simprug held a fundraising for ISCO Foundation. All donation is used to meet the needs of ISCO children such as school fees, uniforms, textbooks, children's workshops, nutrition and health programs as well as monitoring and evaluation.
2018 Partners
This sponsorship is fully dedicated to ISCO sponsored children to cover the direct costs for school fees, uniforms and textbooks, operational costs of the children activity centres, health and nutrition program, as well as monitoring and evaluation.
"Drop of Hope" program was initiated by Starbucks to encourage its customers to donate school uniforms and educational equipment to ISCO supported children. This program ran for 2 months, from December 2018 to January 2019. Donated goods were distributed to ISCO's children in Jakarta, Depok, Surabaya and Medan. More than 1. 500 items were received in form of uniforms, school bags, books, socks, etc.
Since 2015, PVH Far East Limited began supporting ISCO children. In 2018-2019 PVH has supported 159 children for their school fees, daily nutritional supplements, learning workshops and an academic tutor for the children.
Alpenstammtish International is a weekly gathering held by Mr. Josef Fuchs (Founder ISCO), every Wednesday at J.W Marriot hotel. All the people who come to the event, give their donation for ISCO. This event not only for gathering but also for charity.
Andritz Hydro always support ISCO Foundation by giving a donation.
J.W. Marriott Hotel Jakarta provides assistance for ISCO children, sponsoring their school fees, daily nutritional supplements, learning workshops and academic tutors. J.W. Marriott Hotel Jakarta also provides internships for Vocational School children in their field of expertise.
The first MOU was signed in June 2013 for a period of 4 years (2013 - 2017), assisting 54 children from Surabaya (Genteng & Pabean) and Jakarta area (Lio & Pademangan). The sponsorship is fully dedicated to ISCO sponsored children to cover the direct costs for school fees, uniforms and textbooks, operational costs of the children activity centres, health and nutrition program, as well as monitoring and evaluation. The second MoU was signed in September 2017 for the next 4 years (2017- 2021), helping 200 children from the Surabaya (Genteng & Pabean) and Jakarta area (Pademangan & Manggarai). The same sponsorship package as for the first MoU was signed.
2017 Partners
This sponsorship is fully dedicated to ISCO sponsored children to cover the direct costs for school fees, uniforms and textbooks, operational costs of the children activity centres, health and nutrition program, as well as monitoring and evaluation.
This sponsorship is fully dedicated to ISCO sponsored children to cover the direct costs for school fees, uniforms and textbooks, operational costs of the children activity centres, health and nutrition program, as well as monitoring and evaluation.
The first MOU had signed in June 2013 for a period of 4 years (2013 - 2017), assisting 54 children from Surabaya (Genteng & Pabean) and Jakarta area (Lio & Pademangan). The sponsorship is fully dedicated to ISCO sponsored children to cover the direct costs for school fees, uniforms and textbooks, operational costs of the children activity centres, health and nutrition program, as well as monitoring and evaluation. The second MoU was signed in September 2017 for the next 4 years (2017- 2021), helping 200 children from the Surabaya (Genteng & Pabean) and Jakarta area (Pademangan & Manggarai). The same sponsorship package as for the first MoU was signed.
Since 2015, Phillips Van Heusen Far East Limited Indonesia began supporting ISCO children. In 2017-2018 PVH has supported 171 children, for their school fees, daily nutritional supplements, learning workshops and an academic tutor for the children.
The students from Kinderfied held a school bazaar to help ISCO children. The profits from this event were fully donated to ISCO. The donation is used to purchase textbooks, uniforms, payment of fees etc.
J.W. Marriott Hotel Jakarta provides assistance for 10 children, sponsoring their school fees, daily nutritional supplements, learning workshops and academic tutors. J.W. Marriott Hotel Jakarta also provides internships for Vocational School children in their field of expertise.
In 2017, through Mead Johnson Indonesia, RB (Reckitt Benckiser) donated 864 cartons of Sustagen milk to 1000 ISCO sponsored children in Jakarta and 824 paper bag containing school equipment, educational tools and toys for annual gathering event.
"Drop of Hope" program was initiated by Starbucks to encourage its customers to donate 1000 school uniforms and educational equipment to ISCO supported children. This program ran for 2 months, operating between December 2017 to January 2018. Donated goods were distributed to ISCO's children in Jakarta, Depok, Surabaya and Medan. Note: until May 2018, 1. 571 items were received in kind of uniforms, school bags, books, socks, etc.
2016 Partners
Phillips Van Heusen Far East Limited Indonesia has been helping 169 ISCO children for 2 years. The company has been sponsoring their school fees, daily nutritional supplements, learning workshops and an academic tutor for the children.
Plan Indonesia has helped provide 1500 children with obtaining their birth certificate, some of which are children supported by ISCO. A birth certificate is needed as a precondition of entering school.
In 2015, Mead Johnson donated 1500 kilograms of Sustagen milk to 1200 ISCO sponsored children in Jakarta. Mead Johnson has been assisting ISCO's cause since 2008 and has donated 7500 kilograms of Sustagen milk to ISCO's children in Medan, Surabaya and Jakarta.
The first MOU had signed in June 2013 for a period of 4 years (2013 - 2017), assisting 54 children from Surabaya (Genteng & Pabean) and Jakarta area (Lio & Pademangan). The sponsorship is fully dedicated to ISCO sponsored children to cover the direct costs for school fees, uniforms and textbooks, operational costs of the children activity centres, health and nutrition program, as well as monitoring and evaluation. The second MoU was signed in September 2017 for the next 4 years (2017- 2021), helping 200 children from the Surabaya (Genteng & Pabean) and Jakarta area (Pademangan & Manggarai). The same sponsorship package as for the first MoU was signed.
2015 Partners
HESS (PGN SAKA) supported ISCO for 8 years from 2006 to 2015. During this period, more than 400 children received tuition assistance, nutrition support, learning workshops and an academic tutor.
Deutsche Bank AG, Jakarta helped ISCO between 2014-2015. The sponsorship helped 81 children, in their school fees, daily nutritional supplements, learning workshops and an academic tutor.
Marriott Jakarta (JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta) provides assistance to 10 children, sponsoring their school fees, daily nutritional supplements, learning workshops and an academic tutor. Marriott Jakarta also provides internships to Vocational School children in their field of expertise.
YCAB (Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa) provided free computer lessons for underprivileged children in Belawan (North Sumatera). This workshop helped 167 children to learn computer programs such as Microsoft office, drawing programs etc. Non ISCO children also participated in this program with enthusiasm.
To celebrate National Children' Day, Carrefour supermarket helped in raising donations from their consumers at the checkout. These donations were used to sponsor 481 children in their school fees, daily nutritional supplements, learning workshops and providing an academic tutor.
2014 Partners
BMW Indonesia assisted in providing learning center, educational equipment, and tutor support from 2010 - 2014. A total of 339 children benefitted from this support.
"Drop of Hope" program was initiated at Starbucks to encourage its customers to donate 1000 school uniforms for ISCO's children. This program ran 3 months between November 2013 - January 2014. Donated uniforms were distributed to ISCO's children in Jakarta, Depok, Surabaya and Medan.
Bank DBS Indonesia sponsored 550 children from 2010 - 2014. This sponsorship helped children in Medan, Jakarta and Surabaya. This sponsorship went towards children’s school fees, daily nutritional supplements, learning workshops and an academic tutor.
Holcim helped in renovating 7 ISCO centres which were damaged by floods. Holcim replaced roofs, doors, electrical circuits and also painted the damaged walls.
2013 Partners
PT. Jawa Power helped 350 children by providing English courses, professional tutoring, internet facility and seminar's from 2011-2013.
The Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia sponsored 513 children from 2011-2013. This support helped in children's school fees, daily nutritional supplements, learning workshops and an academic tutor.